the Baltic consonants š, ž, č, are written out as sh, zh, ch.

Sūdovian > English

ab- about ( see ap- )
abai / abajan both
abajingas ambiguous
abanot to subsribe (Inf)
abaras hayrack
abaseiliskai mutually
abazas wagon, cart
abipusība reciprocity
mutual, reciprocal
abrinas butter-pot
ader or (prep)
adītlis knitting needle
adīt to knit (Inf)
adlorai a stand of spruce, a group of fir trees
agla rain, hard rain [ Gothic " aglus "  hard ]
agle spruce, fir tree ( dialect egle )
agnus active
aidint to excite, stimulate (Inf)
aigula needle
aikūstas equal, level
ainakutis membrum virile
ainangamint to only beget (Inf)
ainas one
ainaseilingas alone
ainas per antaras one after another
ainat ever, continualy
ainatingis continual
ainavarst one time, once
ainavīdai same, like
ainavīdas uniform
ainavīdiskai in similar fashion
ainavīdiskas single, uniform
aindesimt ainas eleven
aindesimt astōnei eighteen
aindesimt dvai twelve
aindesimt keturei fourteen
aindesimt nevinei nineteen
aindesimt penkei fifteen
aindesimt septinei seventeen
aindesimt trīs thirteen
aindesimt vushai sixteen
ainingas united
ainoka unique
ainuntas somebody, something
aisa thill
aisintun (Inf) to heat
aiskot (Inf) to investigate
aiskūstas clear
aislūstas quick
aismas spit, prong (long skewer)
aistra eagerness, passion
aist (Inf) glow with heat, become heated
aisus burning, harsh
ait to go (Inf) [ see "eit" ]
aitagenīs spotted woodpecker (dendrocopos minor)
aitra tartness
aitvaras hobgoblin; kite
aiza crack, fissure
ak! alas!
akas small hole
aket to harrow (Inf)
aketes harrow
aketojas harrower
akīlas clear-sighted
akīmirka instant
akinas spear
akint to induce (Inf.)
akis eye
akīt to grow porous (Inf)
akīvas curious
akivīstai evidently
akivīsta eyesight
akivīstas evident, obvious
aklakarda reins
aklas blind
aklis gad-fly
akmenis rock
akonis awn
akrotis exactly
akstinas pointed maple stick for driving cattle
akstis skewer
akstras sharp
akutas small smoke-hole vent
alainas everyone, each one, all (rarely used)
alasa noise, uproar
aldija canoe of hewn cedar (Tocharian "olyi", Icelandic "elliði" )
alga wage
algaut to contract out (Inf)
aliaj every, each, all (vs. Sanskrit "araṇa" other)
alīt to flood (Inf)
alit'an sausage
alkas temple-sacred forest
alkinas hungry
alkiniskas sorrow, trouble
alkis hunger
alkt to hunger (Inf)
alkunas elbow
almīt to leak (Inf)
alne elk, doe (cervus elaphus)
alnis stag (cervus elaphus)(Click here for photo)
alpot to breathe (Inf)
alpt to faint, grow pale (Inf.)
alsa exhaustion
alskandis alder tree
alsot pant (Inf)
altare altar (Christian)
alu mead
alutikinīkas brewer
alvas lead
alvade hasp
to yelp, snort (Inf)
amzis people
an / en on, in, into (w/ Acc. or Dat.)
ane grandmother
anga either,or... (conj)
angis viper snake (vipera berus)
anglis coal
angur'as eel (anguilla anguilla)
angus miserly
anka loop, snare
ankstas narrow
ankstai early
ankstaina morning
anksteinai (in the) morning, early
ankstiras grass snake (natrix natrix)
anktan butter
anōt to breathe, pant (Inf)
ansas hook
ant against
antaras second
antaut to hunt ducks (Inf)
ante river channel
antai plainsmen
antīkas duckling ( dialect an
čiukas )
antis duck (anas platyrhynchos)
anus a critic [ especially a critic of this lexicon ]
anzal'as strap, leather
anzōnas oak tree
anzt (Inf) to become narrower
anzukis narrow
ap- about
apdeivotint to bless
apglobte crown of head
ape river (fem.) [ Sumerian "ab", ocean, OldNorse "haf" ]
apimtun to include (Inf)
river (masc.)
apisargis kingfisher (alcedo atthis)
apīte creek
apivitva willow
apjot to wander (Inf)
apkailint to greet/wish
apkeika vice
apkeikt to deplore (Inf)
aplaida omission
apment to deceive, lie (Inf)
apsarga protection
aspen (Armenian "op'i")
apsergīsna refuge, defense
apsingis aspen rich area
apsorai a aspen stand (grove)
apstoktan lid
apuze spring, waterhole
apvaitint to narrate (Inf)
apvalinas oval
apvara twine
apvarīsna victory, success
apvarīt to overcome (Inf)
apvarīte shoe-lace
apveisint to impregnate (Inf)
apveizda providence
apzegnosna blessing
apzegnot to bless, signify (Inf)
apzentlīt to designate (Inf)
apzergt to straddle (Inf)
apzvalga review
araikint (Inf) to limit, restrict
araikis limit
aras anus
ardai scaffold
ardas fragment
ardītun to pull down, destroy (Inf)
ardvas spacious, wide
arelis eagle (haliaeetus albicilla)
argikas rainbow
arglobas crown of the head
arī grain (Nom.f.)   
arītun to scatter (Inf)
arma bog
armenis bottom
arsot to flow (Inf)
arsus violent, fierce [re: " tlokīs " - bear]
artintun to approach (Inf)
artuvan wooden plow
artojas farmer, "plowman"
artun to till, plough (Inf)
arvaikas colt, he-colt
arvi truly, certainly
arvis true, certain, genuine
arviskai truly, genuinely
arviska genuine
arzas bright
arzkus bright
as I, singular of "We" [ Shughni ergative " oz ", nom. "ozum " ]
asaka fish-bone

asara tear
asarot to weep (Inf)
Asanis Autumn, Fall
asilas ass, donkey
asis axle, axis
asla ground, floor
asmas eighth
asmōj blade, edge
asmokas money
asmu (dial) am
asti is, are [ variants " esti ", or spoken " est / ast " ]
astība severity

astis object, thing
astits is, are
astōndesimt eighty
astōndesimtas eightieth
astōnei / astōnis eight
astras sharp
asutas hair of a horse's tail or manes
asva horse, mare [ Yeniseian *ʔɨʔχ-kuʔs  )
asveikīs plowhorse (click here for enlargement)

asvena colt, she colt

asvīnan fermented mares' milk for feasts
avei openly
avīs mother's brother
atbaudint to awaken (Inf)
atbot to heed (Inf)
ateit to come, arrive (Inf)
atgamint to revive (Inf)
atgimsenis second birth
atkodis flue, flue-opening
atkrist to fall off (Inf)
atkūst to increase, recover (Inf)
atleikas remains, residue
atnīsteislaimas gracious, merciful
atnīstis grace
atnītun to be kind (Inf)
atnīvingas kind, merciful
atnīvingiskai mercifully
atpilda compensation
atpintiskas backward
atsala sandbank
atskīsna resurrection

atskīt to resurrect (Inf)
atskīvens having arisen
atrot to answer, reply (Inf)
atvolas second haying
atvanga rest, repose
atvara opening
atverpsna forgiveness
atverptun to forgive (Inf)
atvert to open (Inf)
atvēsis cool, shady place
atvezt to truck, haul (Inf)
atvinūtun to excuse (Inf)
atzagras retrograde
au- away (verbal prefix)
īlint (Inf) converse
aubirgot to cook (Inf.)
audai warp ( for weaving)
audaira condition (term)

audairot (Inf) to stipulate
audenis N.E. wind
audetlis texture
audīja weaver (fem.)
audēt (Inf) to hinder
audōsenis event
audōtunsi to happen (Inf)

audra storm with rain
augalas plant; vegetable
augaut to acquire (Inf)
augint to rear, raise (Inf)
augraust (Inf) to demolish
augt (Inf) to grow
Aujōs Ukraine
( 𐍅𐌿𐌻𐌸𐌿𐍃 𐍉𐌹𐌿𐌼 ) [ re, Baltic -ava suffix ]
aukas vulture, buzzard (gyps fulvus)
aukla halter, cord
auklekstes haycockle
auklept to steal, hide (Inf)
auktarikējiskas esteemed
auktan height
auktimis authority
auktimiskas authority; tall
auktis high, tall
aulaikingas abstinent, sober
aulaukis S.W. wind
aul'ausenis death
aul'aut to die, to cross over (Inf)
aulas boot top, bootleg (Translation challenges)
aulinis hollow
aulīs beehive dome
aumenevingis conscious
aumenis consciousness
auminīt (Inf) to despond
auminīvens troubled
aumīt to comprehend (Inf)
aumōj mind ( Skt.
aumūsna ablution
aumūt to wash away (Inf)
aupaikt to repel (Inf)
aupalsenis find, finding
aupas dye for weaving
aupeisot (Inf) to transcribe
aupaltun to find (Inf)
aure storm
ausas gold
auseiliska intuition ( Click here for example )
aushaudīt to trust (Inf)
aushaudīvingas certain, reliable
aushaut (Inf) to loan
aushautinīkai debtors
aushautīsna faith, hope, wish
aushautis debt
ausinas golden
ausis ear
auskalis goldsmith
auskandinsna flood

auskandint to drown (Inf)
auskenst to sink, drown (Inf)
ausle bleak ( fish )
auspandīt to alienate (Inf)
aust to dawn (Inf)
austabaut (Inf) to be amazed
austa mouth of river, port
austebt (Inf) to be surprised
austra dawn, morning [ Lith. " Ūšas / Ūšras ", Sanskrit " Uṣas / Uśra " ]
Austrai East
austrenis eastwind
austrinis eastern
austun to weave (Inf)
autun to put on footwear (Inf)
autai leggings
auvartintun si (Inf) to turn away
auveras slag, cinder ("burnt" < -
*u̯erH1 - )
auvert (Inf) to close
auvilkis thread
auvirpis chute for water
auvirt (Inf) to boil down, distill
avinas ram
avinīkas young ram
avīs uncle, by mother
avize oats - also laconic "vize" [ Yazgulam " wis " ]
avōdas mosquito
aza / aze from, about ( w/ Dat. or Acc. [also see "eze" )
aza...pausan on behalf of...
azagis perch (perca fluviatilis)
azeran lake ( Norse "
ægir" sea, Hungarian "eger")
azi boundary-edge, ridge
azīs hedgehog (erinaceus europaeus)
aznas clear
azras noon
baba bean
[ WHG substratum loanword ]
badas hunger, famine
badīt to dig, prick (Inf)
baidīt to scare (Inf)
baijint to frighten (Inf)
baijus horrible, frightening
baile fear
bailus timid
balanda goosefoot plant (chenopodium)
baldas pestle
balgnan saddle
balgnanīkas saddler
balnas having a white back (cattle)
balnis peeled tree trunk
baltan marsh, swamp
balva present, gift
balzinis pillow, cushion
banda profit,  also "herd"
bandot to test, try (Inf)
banga downpour, wave
bangaut to undulate (Inf)
barus conifer bough
bardas beard
bardotas bearded
bargas unfriendly, quarrelsome
barinan rye-flour
barnis quarrel
bartun to quarrel (Inf)
basas barefoot
bast to stick, stab (Inf)
baudinsna an awakening
baudint to wake (Inf)
baugas phantom
baukt to roar, bellow (Inf)
bauslis injunction, bidding
baust to test (Inf)
bauza hornless, bald
be / ba and (conjunction)
be without (w/ Acc.)
bebint to mock (Inf)
bebrus beaver (castor fiber)
bēda sorrow
bedīs a prick, stab
bedre contour in dirt
begi for, since
bēgt to run away (Inf)
bēgaite! flee! go away!
bendras in common
bēran bay, brown
bēris bay-horse
bert to hold, carry, also - scatter (Inf)
berze birch
berzelis  June
berzene fishing pole
berzīt to scrub, rub (Inf)
berzorai a birch stand (clump)
be stan besides that
best to dig, stick in (Inf)
bētas evening [ Russian " bityj čas " full hour ]
bētasēdis evening meal
bevakis mute
bevīre single woman
bezde elder tree
bezdukai gnomes, elves
Bibele Bible
bijosna fear, dread, fright
bijot to fear (Inf)
bila language
bīla axe
bilēsna proverb, saying ( Click here for a saying )
bilēt to say, speak (Inf) ( dial. - bīlot )
bīlotun to speak, say (Inf) ( also - bilīt )
bilsan white

bilus talkative
birgakartis spoon, ladle
birgint to protect, spare, also cook (Inf)
birzas pile
birze furrow
biskapas bishop
bite bee
bitinīkas apiarist
bizūnas whip
blaiskas bright spot
blaivas pale
blake bed-bug
blandas delusion
blandīt to be confused, ashamed (Inf)
bleke pan
blekt to fade (Inf)
blenst to talk nonsense (Inf)
blet to bleat (Inf)
blezdinge sweet violet
bliauske sedge
bliaut to bleat, sob (Inf)
blinde broom, (Salix caprea) pussy willow
blindūstas overcast
blinga spoonbait
blingis breamfish (abramis brama)
bliskīt to sparkle, shine (Inf)
blīst to cease to burn (Inf)
blizgint to glitter (Inf)
bliznis debris from storm
blukt to fade (Inf)

blusa flea
bluzne spleen
boba old woman
bōze reed-mace (typha latifolia)
bozus upper arm
bradai fish net
bradas mud, mire
braidīs moose (alces alces) (Click here for photo)
braidīt to wade about (Inf)
branda maturity
branka pressing, swelling
brasta ford, crossing
braukis blow, strike
braukt to erase (Inf)
braukne cowberry
bredas lowland
brēkst to dawn (Inf)
bremzīt to brake (Inf)
brendīt to wade (Inf)
brengzt to jingle, strum (Inf)
brenst to ripen (Inf)
brevingai beneficially
brevint to benefit (Inf)
brīde trail, track
brīdinot to warn (Inf)
brinkt to swell (Inf)
brist to ford (Inf)
brizgilan bridle
brokai pants
brote brother [ Old Novgorod dialect " brate " ]

broteralis little brother ( click here for photo )
brotrīkai brothers
bruda vermin
brukis blow, strike
brukt to poke, strike (Inf)
brunan brown (neut)
brūneta hazel grouse (bonasa bonasia)
brunios armour (body-type)
brunse roachfish (rutilus rutilus)
brūve eyebrow
bruzas quick
bruzjis whip, lash
būdas manner, way, mode
budavot to build (Inf) see "dimt"
budē(ja) (he) was awake
budēt awake, be aware (Inf)
budre ground ivy, gill
Budte goddess of wisdom
budrus awake, aware
buga saddlebow
bugnas drum

bukareisas beech-nut
bukas beechtree
bukavarne jay (garrulus glandarius)
bukorai a beech stand (grove)
burka carrot
bure sail [ Old Norse " byrr " ]
burt to use herbs medicinally (Inf.)
burtinīkas medicine man
burvalkas yard, farm ( Click Here for Photo )
burva roll of cloth
burvingas charming
burzdus agile
būs will be (future tense) [ 1st-3rd person ]
būsenis condition, state
bust to rouse (Inf)
būsna existence
butan house, home ( Click here for Photos of Log homes )
butankata house cat
butansperglas house sparrow
butantovas father of the house
butlan den
butsargas householder
būtun / būt to be (Inf)
buvint to inhabit, abide (Inf)

buze bug
da- up to
daba manner, habit, similarity
dabar still, now
dablas luxuriant
dadan milk  [ Vedic Sanskrit 
दधन्  ]   
dadingan milky
to add (Inf)
dagagaidīs summerwheat
Dagas Summer
dagavidis midsummer
dagijas burdock
dagoaugis summer sprout
daglan fire colored
daiktas thing, object, place
daile art
dailus illustrious
daina song, dance (dainos are the Rig Veda of Balts)
dainava place of dancing waters, near Veisiejai
dainaviskai Dainavian
dainaviskan Dainavian
daine cow (that calves in the 2nd year)
daini pregnant with offspring (adj of cow or mare)
daininīkas bard, poet
dainīs a Dainavian
dainōt to sing, dance (Inf)
daiva part, portion
daive husband's brother
dalgas scythe
dalia fate, destiny
dalīkas article, affair
dalis part, share
dalīt to divide, share (Inf)
dalivība participation
dalkis fishing rod
dalna palm
dalptan hole-punch
damrava oak-wood
danga barrel hoop
danginis celestial
danginisisis heavenly (definite)
danginiskas heavenly, kind
dangus sky
dantimaksna gum (inner mouth)
dantis teeth
dapas flood
darga cloudy (stormy) weather
darīt to make, work (Inf)
dasna filth
dauba ravine, a hollow
daugia much, many
dausas atmosphere, air
debīkas large
degint to burn (Inf)
degt to burn (Inf)
degutas tar
deina day    (<* deinā )
deina algenīkas wage-earner
deinaina morning star
deininis daily
deininiskai daily (adv)
deininiskas daily (adj)
deivadeivotiskai most blessedly
Deivas Heaven, The Great Spirit ( aka God )
deivinot to worship (Inf)
deiviskai blessedly (adverb)
deivotai blessedly
deivotas devout, pious
deivotiskas spiritual (adj)
deivotiskai blessedly (adv)
dēlas work 
dēlantis worker, laborer
dēlantiskas business (adj)

dēlapagabtis instrument for spit
deli several
dēlint accomplish (Inf)
dēlnīkas worker

dendīt to knock (Inf)
dengtas strong, healthy
denka thanks
denkasegīsna thanksgiving
denkautun to thank (Inf)
dergīt to hate (Inf)
dergna cold rainy weather
derīt to fit, be suited (Inf)
deringas useful, fitting
derla fertility
derme ageement, harmony, covenant (Skt. "Dharman" arrangement)
dermingas peaceful, harmonious, balanced
dert to tear apart (Inf)
desimtan tenth (neuter)
desimtas tenth
desimtis ten (Turkic "tekim" many)
desinas right (vs. left)
dēt to place, put (Inf)
dētas put in place
dētis load
deznai frequently
deznas frequent
dība stake, post
diēt to turn, twist, dance (Inf)
dīgi also (adv)
digna swordhandle
dīgt to sharpen (Inf)
dīkas uncultivated, primitive
dīkint to empty (Inf)
dīlīt nurse, breastfeed (Inf)
dilgus stinging
patron of the homestead
patroness of the home

dimstis home, homestead, "porch"
dimt to fashion, make, build (Inf) [ Gothic " ga-timan, timrja " ]
dimtojas carpenter, builder
dinga fertile ground
dingt to consider, think (Inf)
dirgint to irritate, arouse (Inf)
dirgt to fall down (Inf)
dīrīt to look, see (Inf)
dirstla distinguished
dīrsus brave ( daring )
dirva field (arable)
-dis / -di he, one, it (enclitic)
dobtun to injure (Inf)
dōite! give! (Imp.)
doja gift
doka starling (sturnus vulgaris)
dōna breadcrust
donis gift, tribute
dōtun to give (Inf)
[ < *dṓˀt- <  *dédeHt - ]
dōtunsi to declare oneself
dragijas brewer's yeast, dregs
drakas agitation, quarrel
drakīt to tease (Inf)
drangas pole (used as a lever)
dranzus brave
drapot to rip, cut (Inf)
drapnos clothing - Sanskrit "drapsa"
drastus waist
dratas wire
draudīt to deter (Inf)
draugas common, in union, companion
dravat to flow (Inf)
drebīzna remnant
dregint to moisten (Inf)
dretun to snooze (Inf)
dreva wood, resinous wood
dreve hollow of a tree
drevine beehive (hollow tub type)
dribinsna trembling
drimbas scarf, veil
drīst to dare (Inf)
drogas reed
dronze corn crake (crex crex)
druge butterfly
drūktai firmly
drūktas firm, sturdy
drūktavas firm
drūktavingiskas strict
drunīt resound (Inf)
druska crumb
druskinis earwax
drūtint to make strong (Inf)
druvingas faithful
druvis belief, faith (click here for Druvis website)
druvēt believe (Inf)
druzt to become fragmented (Inf)
dubelis chub (squalius cephalus)
duja dust, loose, ashy earth
dukis gopher
dukte daughter [ Erzya " t'ejt'er " ]
dulgas murky
dulgt to drizzle, get dark (Inf)
dul'ava fog with drizzle
dūlis smokework to expel bees
dulis darker
dulūstas dark
dulvīt grow musty, moldy
dulzis bunghole
dūmaka haze
dūmas smoke, dark
dumbas tanbark
dumblas silt, mud
dumsle bladder
dūnas slime, mud
dūras shy, timid
durnadagis thornapple
dusas short breath, asthma
dūse soul
dust to gasp
dvai two (neut.)
dvaivarst twice
dvaris gate
dveja twofold (sg. neut.)
dvejība duality
dvēst to sigh, to breathe
dvidesimt twenty
dviguba double
dvigubot to doubt (Inf)
eibe swarm
ēdais! (you [sg] ) eat! (imp)
ēdaite! (you [pl] ) eat! (imp)
ēdint to feed (Inf)
ēdis meal, food
ēdus having a good appetite
ēdvens having eaten
eisva wound
eit to go (Inf)
elainas each one, every one
elkunas elbow
emelna mistletoe
emenis name - Albanian dialect "emen", Slavic "imę"
en / an in, into, on (w/ Dat. or Acc.)

enbast to plunge, penetrate (Inf)
endas slat
endīrīt to look upon (Inf)
endīrīsna respect, esteem
endōtun to undertake (Inf)
eneisena entrance
engautun to recieve (Inf)
engelas angel
engerdaut to say, speak (Inf)
engimtun to inborn (Inf)
engraudīvingas merciful
engraudīsna mercy, kindness
engraudīt to have mercy (Inf)
engt to cause anguish (Inf)
enimamas acceptable
enimavingas pleasant, acceptible
enimtun to accept (Inf)
enkopt to bury, plant (Inf)
enkausint to touch (Inf)
enkermenint to incorporate (Inf)
enkaitīt to tempt (Inf)
enlaikot to continue (Inf)
enlaipintun to order (Inf)
enmigt to sleep (Inf)
enois fever
enpalīgai like, similarly
enperai communally, together
enperējiskas total, in sum (adj)
enperint to gather (Inf)
enpreki against
enprekistalīsna opposition
enprekistalīt to oppose (Inf)
enprekivait'ot contradict (Inf)
enpust to blow into (Inf)
enrankis instrument
ensodinsna ordinance
ensodint to institute (Inf)
ensidīrīsna self-esteem
ensus in vain (adv)
entapas mole, birth-mark
entaran inside
enteikosna process, way, form
enteikotun to establish (Inf)
entensīt to include (Inf)
enterpan useful
enterpaniskan useful
enterpt to be useful (Inf)
entikrikai quickly, at once
entrai within
envaidinsnā significance
envaidint to signify (Inf)

envait'osna presentation
envait'ot to address, speak (Inf)
envakīt to summon, call (Inf)
envangiskas finally
er even, also (prep)

erainas whoever
erderkt to poison (Inf)
erdēlintun to earn (Inf)
erdvas spacious, wide
er en as far as in
ergi until (prep)
erke tick
erkīnint to liberate (Inf)
erkīnsna freedom, liberation
erkitis small juniper
erlaikot to preserve, keep (Inf)
erlengvīt to lift up (Inf)
ermas rapture, vision, hallucination
ermīrit to imagine (Inf)
ernauninsna renewal
ernaunint to renew (Inf)
ernertīt to enrage (Inf)
ernis wolverine (gulo gulo)
erpilnint to fill (Inf)
erprei up to, even to
erskītis thorn-bush
ertrept to transgress (Inf)
erzvaigzdint to enlighten, radiate (Inf)
erzinot to recognize, know (Inf)
ēska appetite
esketras sturgeon (acipenser sturio)
ēstun to eat (Inf)
ert to row (Inf)
ertojas oarsman
ertuves voyage ( by oar )
estureita lizard (lacerta agilis)
Evangelijan Gospel
eza from, about ( see "aza" [ re: Mid. Persian " az ", Armenian " z=" ] w/ Dat.or Acc)
gabava toad (bufo bufo)
gabint to take (Inf)
gadīt to be suitable (Inf)
gaida melody
gaidīs wheat
gailan white ( "A Whiter Shade of Pale" )
gailukas ermine (mustela erminea)
gaisme song
gaist to disappear (Inf)
gaita motion
gaitenis passage
gait to go, wander (Inf)
gajus vigorous'abundant
galanstabas whetstone
galas death, end point
galbinījas servant, helper
galbt to help (Inf)
galda trough
gale thin layer of ice
galinda Galindia ( near Gielądzkie Jezioro - 53°52'N 21°10'E )
galindiskai Galindian ( Click here for Galindian language )
galinis deep
galint to kill (Inf)
galsas sound, voice, echo
galtinis frozen
galu gall
galva head
galvasdalīkas chief article
galvamēstan capital city
galvian calf
gamint to produce (Inf)
gamulas heap, bale
ganan! enough!
ganīt to suffice, also - to pasture, graze (Inf)
gandas rumor
gandarus stork (ciconia ciconia)
gandint to produce anxiety(Inf)
gantsai completely
gara coals, coalspit
garbas hill, mountain [ PIE "Zhiguli Mountains" of Samara, Russia ]
gardas enclosure, courtyard
gar'an tree - Armenian "geran"
garinis wooden
garīt burn (Inf)
garkīte mustard
garme heat, warmth
garsa scent
gastis guest (out of town)
gastpatis host, translator
gatva street [ < Gothic " gatwo "; Vedic " gatvī ", English "gate" ]
gaubtun to cover (Inf)
gaustun to hum, make a sound (Inf)
gautun to recieve (Inf)

gēda shame
gēdingas modest
gēdint to shame (Inf)

to mourn (Inf)
gegalis black-throated diver (gavia arctica)
gegne rafter
geguze cuckoo (cuculus canorus), May
geideis! wait!
geidītun to wait (Inf)
geidotun to sing (Inf)
geidras clear
geise heron (ardea cinerea)
geitika bread (dim.)
geitis bread, tablebread
gēla pain, sharp
gelda pan for cooking
gēle flower
gēles April
gelme depth
gelmenis pain
gēlva abscess
gelza iron [ Grk. " khalkos " bronze < * ?  NW Caucasian, or Hattic - via Maykop]
gena wife, woman [ Svarabhakti Skt. " ganā ", AV " gənā ", Tajik " zan ", Czech " žena " ]
genaniska feminine, female
genīka maiden (unmarried)
genīkis woodpecker (dendrocopos major)
genta resin, gum ( < nasalized PIE *gʷet - resin )
gentainas tribal member
gentaras amber ( PIE "-tar" neuter adjectival suffix, Sembian dialect "gintars" )
geras praiseworthy [ Skt. " garah- " ]
gerbtun to tell, say (Inf)
gerdautun to say (Inf)
gertun to swallow (Inf)
gerta hen
gertavanagis goshawk (accipiter gentilis)
gertīs rooster, weathervane
gertist'an chick
gerve crane (grus grus)
gesinsna extinction
gesint to extinguish (Inf)
gesnīs woodcock, snipe (scolopax rusticola)
gesnaut (Inf) to hunt snipes
gestun to be extinguished (Inf)
gevinīs a laborer, worker
gevint to toil, labor (Inf)
-gi however, certainly (enclitic)
g'aurīs coot (fulica cristata)
gibis curved
gīdit to cure, be trained (Inf)
gija bow-string

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A Restored Lexicon of our Sūdovian & Yatving Indigenous Language
For Use By Sūdovians & Yatvings, and their descendants.